Unlocking data maturity with MultiMinds 

Is your organisation harnessing the full potential of its data? Our Data Maturity Assessment unveils the strategic and operational gaps that may be hindering your journey towards true data-driven success.

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Why measure your data maturity? 

Your data maturity level is the compass that guides data-driven decision-making throughout your organisation. In today's digital age, many organisations limit their data strategy to marketing campaigns, resulting in a misalignment between data transformation and digital progress.

Our assessment is grounded in six fundamental pillars, each addressing a specific aspect essential to achieving data-driven excellence:

Data Maturity Assessment - Compass

Through concise self-assessment tests and in-depth stakeholder interviews, we delve deep to provide you with a realistic evaluation of your current state. This process reveals the gaps between perception and reality and allows you to benchmark your performance against industry standards.

Why choose our data maturity assessment approach

Our data maturity assessment will empower your journey towards data excellence:

  • Expertise: Benefit from our team's deep data strategy experience.
  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Covering six key data maturity pillars.
  • Customised Roadmap: Tailored action plan for your unique needs.
  • Tangible Results: Actionable recommendations for immediate impact.
  • Continuous Improvement: We're your partners in progress.
  • Industry Benchmarking: Understand where you stand in your industry.

Ready to elevate your data strategy and drive success?

Your roadmap to excellence

Following the 'as-is' assessment, we offer a personalised and actionable plan tailored to your organisation's needs. Our recommended actions, designed for the short, mid, and long term, empower your organisation to enhance data maturity. These actions and insights encompass:

Optimising data strategy and culture

Defining clear data strategy and fostering data-driven thinking.

Enhancing your data technology stack

Guiding you in selecting and implementing the right technology.

Data analysis and insight generation

Leveraging data analysis to improve the customer journey.

Team skills and talent acquisition

Identifying the skills and talent necessary for a data-driven future.