Recorded webinar: GA4 – Should I migrate or should I go?

Google has announced that Universal Analytics will stop processing data from July 1, 2023 (free accounts) and October 1, 2023 (360 accounts). Read the full news post on the Google Marketing Platform blog. If you don't know which version you're running, you're probably running Universal Analytics...

As Google Analytics has a market share of around 90% worldwide, this sunset will have an impact on many companies. So probably on your data collection and marketing analytics as well!

But this shouldn’t be a bad thing! On the contrary, this is the moment to rethink your data collection. And then decide to migrate to GA4, or move to another solution.

Webinar GA4 31 March 2022

What to expect in the webinar

MultiMinds’ Siegert Dierickx and Nicolas Lierman will give you some stuff to think about. During this webinar we will share with you:

  • the main difference between GA Universal and GA4
  • the migration process from Universal Analytics to GA4
  • the pros and contras of some alternative solutions such as Amplitude, Piwik, and Adobe Analytics
  • the additional opportunities this migration or move can bring you

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