Recorded Webinar: CDP as a Service

You’ve definitely already heard of traditional customer data platforms (CDPs). Now, get ready for CDP as a service (CDPaaS). MultiMinds' subscription-based CDP is the perfect solution for businesses who put customer experience at the heart of their activities, but feel held back by financial, technical and other concerns. Join us for an engaging webinar to learn more about CDP as a Service.

CDPaaS webinar

CDP and the modern customer experience

Customer data platforms or CDPs collect, unify, and manage data to create a comprehensive view of each customer. In this way, they provide actionable insights that enable amazing customer experiences. No wonder then, that having a CDP is regarded as a key driver for growth by several marketing studies.

Data collection unification activation

Why should you watch this recorded webinar about CDP as a Service?

Customer data platforms or CDPs have become indispensable for modern businesses. But implementing a CDP is challenging:

  • Finding the right fit for your organisation is tricky
  • The upfront investment is steep
  • The implementation process is lengthy and complex
  • You'll need access to the right skills and resources

To address the challenges of today, we have developed CDPaaS (CDP as a Service), a subscription-based CDP solution that enables organisations to swiftly launch uses cases without the concerns of a technical implementation and the need for additional resources and skills.

Benefits of CDPaaS

Our CDPaaS (CDP as a Service) ensures the power of streamlined data, advanced segmentation, and personalised customer interactions across your marketing ecosystem. 

Benefits of CDPaaS:

  • Low cost to entry
  • Fast activation
  • Fully managed

Discover more benefits at our webinar!

"CDPaaS is a fast, convenient, and low-cost way to start exploring the power of data-driven customer experiences." - Peter Vertongen, Head of Omni-Channel Strategy at MultiMinds

Great, but what can I do with CDPaaS?

Increase revenue

  • Optimise remarketing campaigns
  • Upselling
  • Cross-selling

Decrease costs

  • Optimise ad spend
  • Suppression
  • Automate marketing processes

Improve CX

  • Personalise emails
  • Personalise website visits
  • Unify customer data

See for yourself! Watch our webinar!

This webinar has already passed, but you can rewatch it here! Please fill in the contact form below to see the webinar.

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