My Internship at MultiMinds

My first encounter with MultiMinds was at the VEK Career day in Ghent, which is an annual job fair organized by the VEK. As I am heading towards my last year of Business Engineering: Data Analytics, I wanted to do an internship to apply the theory into practice.

At the VEK Career day, what first caught my eye, was their attractive whiteboard full of digital-marketing-buzzwords. After a short talk with Lara, one of MultiMinds' Digital Analytics Consultants, I gave her my coordinates, and 3 weeks and some emails later, I met Philippe and Siegert (founders of MultiMinds) at their office in Aalst. From the moment I entered the office, I sensed an informal but hardworking atmosphere. A pool table in the middle of the room and desks with focused people around it. "Wow, looks like a super cool place to work", I remember thinking by myself, and it increased my motivation to succeed. But first things first: the interview with the founders, which went well in my opinion.

Apparently they felt the same way after interviewing me, because here I am, with a six-weeks-internship as 'Intern Digital Analytics Consultant'. A long name, for a very varied job description. From analytics to more strategical tasks, and back to the more technical stuff (not too technical though).

Amelie work

Six weeks is a very short time for an internship, but MultiMinds showed me I can really learn a lot in those six weeks. From day one, they trusted me, even when I hadn't proven anything yet. They took a risk, but it gave me the motivation to prove and improve myself continuously.

The first week was mostly onboarding and getting to know the company, the daily operations, and my colleagues! They also taught me the basics of Adobe Analytics. In the following weeks, I joined a couple of interesting meetings with clients (Colruyt, Partenamut, Immozo, etc), practiced my skills in Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics, wrote a business plan, composed a tagging guide for a new app, and much more.

My first impressions were correct, it is indeed an informal but hardworking company. At MultiMinds, there is always room for fun but delivering high quality to the client is priority number 1. The colleagues are great, easygoing, and always in for a game of pool or darts in-between to increase the concentration afterwards. Unfortunately I am not good at either of them, guess I should work here a little longer to become an expert :-). Every Friday, we have drinks to kickstart the weekend, and I got spoiled with the delicious cooking skills of my colleagues.

Besides the relax work atmosphere, what I like the most about my time at MultiMinds are the opportunities they gave me. I was able to give input about my tasks, take initiative and suggest what I wanted to do. Furthermore I could indicate when something wasn’t my thing at all. They let me work on projects and presentations for clients (with supervision of course), which shows again the confidence I received. With only theory and no practical experience, questions were popping up all the time. Luckily, they answered all my questions happily and patiently.

After six really fun but especially interesting weeks where I picked up new skills and actual experience, I will take a couple of weeks off so I can be totally ready for my final year. A big thank you to MultiMinds for the past six weeks, and who knows what the future will bring...